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The World's Finest Presents

Bios - Vandal Savage

Voiced By: Phil Morris
First Appearance: "Savage Time"
Position: Immortal Villain of the Justice League

Bio: Vandal Savage is immortal. That's not to say he always was--in fact he was as human as anyone else, when his tribe witnessed an asteroid fall to earth. While his fellow men ran away from it in fear, Savage walked up to it and slept by it, as the night was cold and it provided warmth. The asteroid gave him immortality--where the rock came from, it was never known, but the radiation and heat from it got inside him that night while he slept and transformed him for life. It was only a couple decades later did he realize he never aged--while his brothers, sisters and tribesmen passed on and on, Savage continued in his present form--never changing physically, but always evolving mentally.

The Justice League first encountered Vandal Savage when they were thrown into the past--during World War II, to be specific. It was here Vandal was attempting to begin his reign of the world by upsetting the history that occurred during World War II. By freezing the Nazi Leader Hitler, Savage began work on Jet Engines--something that would turn the tides of war greatly. The engines coupled with his already growing fleet of super-technological machines, Savage was close to completely destroying the Allies of WWII. Had the Justice League not interfered, the war would've let Savage reign supreme over the world, and changed the course of History as we know it.

Savage showed up again to face the Justice League in present-day. He was set to marry the Queen Audrey of Kasnia, which would put him, once again, in a high position. Poisoning her father, Savage put into motion his plan: to get Audrey, his trusting fiancé, to take up her fathers crown and rule Kasnia. Savage took this opportunity to reveal his plan to the world: a device created in space would send asteroids from a nearby asteroid field towards the earth, at any place he wished, utterly destroying anything in it's path. Luckily, Green Lantern, Flash and J'onn J'onzz boarded the ship in time to set it to self-destruct--but not before a final asteroid headed to Savage's own headquarters. Civilians escaped, but Savage was buried under the rubble--but, like the immortal being he is, he rose up again, popped his bones back into place and lived on...
A warmer, saner, Savage showed Superman a place to live when he was thrust forward in time by a blast from Toyman's device. It was then that Savage revealed to Superman that he had showed up mere days after Superman's death--which set the world into a downward spiral. He killed everyone of the Justice League members that day, and began his rule of the world. Unfortunately, his rule made the earth suffer--greatly. It became infested with giant "bugs" and Savage became the only survivor on earth--and while he developed a rocket ship himself to escape earth, he felt he deserved this punishment. Over the years, Savage came back to sanity, his thirst for global domination was quenched with the end of the human race.

Superman returned back to his time and stopped Savage from ever completing what he did, preventing the end of the world and restoring a prosperous Metropolis once again.

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